Let's help our Independent Baptist churches
T.E.A.M. was started in April 2012 as a missionary closet as the Lord laid on my heart the great need of new and existing churches for adequate resources in their individual ministries. When I came to Canada June 19, 2006 we could have been more prepared. Some people I know wisely stock piled items before their church plant. This was great for them but not everyone is equally fortunate in the resources that they gather. Recently I was speaking to a pastor about what a new church planter out of his church needed. He replied, "Everything" the new church being started needs everything. The Lord has allowed us to be members of Maranatha Baptist Church in Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario.Maranatha Baptist Church is a Fundamental, Bible believing, Baptist church located in Northern Ontario. There are different pastors starting churches in the United States and Canada that need T.E.A.M. (Together Encourage Another Ministry.)One goal we have at T.E.A.M. is to provide information to help new and existing Independent Baptist Churches.A great way to help people in our region is to consider helping Reach North.